Auction Profits Unleashed

Friday 10 August 2007

Standing Start Profits, the New Wave of Internet Marketing

Grab Your Opportunity To Get Expert Professionals Help Put Money In Your Pocket!
Why Standing Start Profits is for you!
Have you ever heard when people talk about a major event in their lives being a "light-bulb" moment? You know, when you've been working at something for a long time and struggling with it - and then, suddenly, it hits you! That's it, that's the problem, that's what I have been missing! Eureka!, I've got it!
Internet Marketing is a big learning curve for those starting out looking for profits. I can't stand those people who say "Here is the Magic Formula to Making Money Online". For them, it may be a "magic formula". If they got you to buy their over-priced report/gizmo/package, it put money in their bank account! But did it help you? Did the product deliver on the promises made in the sales page? Having bought the product, did you suddenly become a hugely succesful internet marketer "overnight"? If it did, good luck to you, you are one of the few.
"The Money is in the List" is a mantra you will have heard time and again. That's because it's true. But what if you have no list? If you are standing on the first rung of the marketing ladder, you can't pick up the phone to one of these "gurus" and say would you advertise my product to your list! (Well, you can, but I suspect they might hang up on you...) How do you get that "foot in the door"?
The fact is that Internet Marketing has been very much a "closed shop". If you are not one of the "in Crowd". the "Inner Circle", you are not invited to the party. And what a party! You've seen the sort of profits these guys make - they put up "proof of income" on their websites!
So what is the answer? You need a list, you need to be known, what else? Are you a graphics designer? Can you write good, selling, copy? How about the other areas, web design, scripting, search engine optimisation, creating joint ventures, product creation, ... The list goes on.
You can't be an expert in every area. Heck, a lot of the "gurus" claim they don't know html and have never written a line of code. They outsource - pay somebody else to do the tricky stuff. So, assuming you are not yet swimming in a sea of cash, what do you do?
You ask for advice!
Now you've probably jumped ahead of me here and said to yourself "but I don't know experts in all these fields".
That is where Standing Start Profits comes in! This is your "Eureka!", "light-bulb" moment.
Imagine being able to go to your computer and know exactly where to go for information and advice. Wouldn't it be great to have your question answered by not one expert, but dozens of experts. Think about the the sense of security you will have knowing if you run into a problem that "help is at hand". Now you are in a position to finally get your internet business off the ground! And then you can carry on asking questions and get the advice to build your income to the heady levels you have only ever imagined.
And a successful Internet Marketing business can open the doors to your freedom to do what you want!
What would it mean to you? No more only seeing the kids for a few minutes morning and evening. Having the home you've always dreamed about with your dream car in the driveway. Sitting on the beach, or on the deck of your yacht, relaxing in the warm sunshine and sipping on a cold drink - all the while knowing the money is just flowing into your bank account. These are not idle dreams. They are your goals, your targets, and you can make them your reality.
Go to the box at the top and sign up now to hear when Standing Start Profits opens it's doors!
Are you still reading? Go sign up now! There is an exclusive bonus just for signing up and you can scroll back to here afterwards.
OK, you're back. Congratulations on taking the first step on your journey to success! The reason it was important for you to sign up quickly is that Standing Start Profits has grown at a huge rate in the last week and it's still in pre-launch. When the doors open the places are going to fill up very quickly. That will mean a lot of new members asking a lot of questions. By getting in as early as possible your questions will be answered before the experts get swamped. Of course, there will be new experts joining as well to deal with these, but it will take a while to settle down once the stampede happens.
Check your inbox for an email from me and click on the confirmation link. Seconds after, you will receive another email (it will have an attachment - your own free copy of Email Protector Script). The next message you receive will be to let you know that Standing Start Profits is open and detailing where you need to go to get in.
I look forward to meeting you there!
P.S. I am one of the experts available to answer your questions so start putting together a list of the things you would like to ask now!
P.P.S. If you couldn't tear yourself away from my writing earlier - go sign up now!

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