Auction Profits Unleashed

Friday 28 September 2007

Auction Secret Profits is Here!!

Scroll down to below my posts about my Search Domination Challenge and you will see a post on Auction Secret Profits.

Shout it from the rooftops 'cos Auction Secret Profits was released today!!

Because of my involvement on the Standing Start Profits forum, I was lucky enough to get a copy before it was released! I liked it so much I sent Lee McIntyre a testimonial for it. Here's what I said:

"Have you ever had a "Homer" moment? You know, ...Doh!!..

I've been selling stuff on eBay for a long time and I gotta tell you I had a lot of Homer moments reading this book.

In fact, by chapter 5 of Auction Secret Profits, I had gone into my Ebay account and cancelled 2 live listings and created 4 new ones! That's how wrong I was.

Thanks, Lee, I am now looking at doing business on eBay in a whole new light! With the clear, easy to follow instructions you give, anybody can now make an income selling info-products!"

I don't think I need to add to that, so click here to get your copy! You'll thank me for it!

Thursday 27 September 2007

Quick Steps to Google Success!

As a little helper to all who are taking part in my Search Domination Challenge and as a generally useful tip for everyone else, I am publishing an answer I gave a while back to a member on the Standing Start Profits private forum.

Q. What is the best way to get in the top 10 pages of the search engines?

I've joined a link swapping site and I'm starting to submit articles about my website/subject matter to article directories containing an anchor text backlink to my site - is this the right way to go about things? Is there anything else I need to be doing? My keywords are [deleted].

A. I think you'll be in for the keywords "[deleted]" and "[deleted]" as they are tight niche keywords.

Here's how I'd go about it:

  • Set up a blog
  • Put all your published articles on your blog
  • Set up a Squidoo lens on your keyword
  • Use your blog rss as feed for your lens and use the links module to link to where the articles are published
  • Use your lens to get people to go to your sales site (once your keywords are doing well you can include a google result for your terms on your lens too)
  • Use Digg,, stumbleupon, Technorati, and others to bookmark your Site, lens and blog regularly
  • Put an opt-in form on your blog to get subscibers to your list.
  • Keep at it - keep adding content

Then every time someone searches for your keyword they will find you

Does it work? Google "Auction Profits Unleashed" - 3 or 4 on the first page are mine!

Your only investment is your time..


If you are taking part in the Search Domination Challenge (click the link to enter - there may still be time!), you will find this formula provides exactly what you need to be among the winners. If not, you will find this useful in product and affiliate marketing too!

Good luck to all the entrants!!!

Sunday 23 September 2007

Search Domination Challenge - A competition and a challenge!

You may have noticed my posts have slowed down a bit over the last month or so.

This is because I have been spending a lot of time writing a book on Search Engine Optimisation and Web 2.0 services. The book is to be called Search Domination Challenge.

In fact most of my posts in July were made as part of my research for this book. I took on Auction Profits Unleashed as a product to promote and tested a lot of Web 2.0 methods for getting results in the search engines. I also did some testing on Auto Auction Income and on Standing Start Profits.

Does this all start to make sense now? The results themselves as posted here also became part of the data.

In the book, I go into detail on the methods I used to gain these first page search engine results and more. In order to be all-inclusive, I also go into the practice of On-page SEO, but a lot of the meat is on leveraging the right Web 2.0 services to lend authority to your search optimised pages.

But Search Domination Challenge is intended to be more than just a book. I like the principles behind Open Source and the user experience of Web 2.0, so I never set out to create a "static" book. It will be published in digital format and invites questions, comments, and suggestions which will be integrated into various revisions over time. I want the owners of the book to be a community and my ambition for it is to become the Web 2.0 users' bible for search engine optimisation.

I have invested months of long hours and late nights in this book to give the reader the best value possible. It is definitely not "another ebook". I'll leave the sales copy to the professionals, but I wanted to introduce the book in a way that demonstates the ethos behind it. Hence the "competition and a challenge" of the post title!

Go to to see an unusual approach to introducing a book to market. Enter the competition there.

The winners, and there will be a good few, will get the book free. You will get it before the book launch and will be able to use the techniques in the book to promote it during prelaunch as a full Joint Venture partner. I don't believe an internet marketing opportunity like this has ever been thrown open to all comers. Prelaunch is normally the exclusive domain of the established "gurus".

The competition also gives all entrants the opportunity to stretch their SEO talents and get search engine placements established in advance of launch. I'm hoping you can earn good affiliate income on sales of the book by having this advance notice.

So what are you waiting for? Click Search Domination Challenge anywhere in this post and grab your chance now!

Saturday 22 September 2007

Auction Secret Profits has a lens on Squidoo before the book is published!

Auction Secret Profits is a forthcoming book by Lee McIntyre (of Auction Profits Unleashed fame). What's unusual about this particular lens is that the book has not been released yet. OK, it's a bit thin on information, so maybe it's just to get a framework up in advance. Or is Internet Marketing going all Harry Potter on us now?

read more | digg story

Thursday 6 September 2007

The return address refused the email

I recently started a thread on Emails and Spam on the Standing Start Profits forum. One post to the thread required a reply that I think you may find valuable here.
"Something weird happened to me last night. I got an email from a friend with a picture embedded in the email. My ISP, Charter, won't allow embedded pictures, so they must be attached.
When I attached it and sent it to 10 friends, it got sent back to me with the following message, "the return address refused the email." Well, I was the return address. Charter had accepted the email with the picture 10 minutes before I sent it off.
Since it was a picture of 12 Nuns standing in a line, holding rifles, and the caption was "The 12 Virgins waiting in Heaven for the terrorists are not what they expect," I presume there's a filter concerning rifles or something. I emailed them but no answer."
After I had finished laughing at the terrorists getting their reward in heaven, I addressed the issue which is a lot more serious than Pat, the Standing Start Profits member, thought!
ISPs can choose their filtering mechanisms to suit their market. Charter is geared towards family use and they offer parental control software. This would suggest they would use a strict set of rules on spam determination.
The rejection of return address is about to become a very common problem. I was queried a while back on a clients email being rejected this way. He was using a google mail account, but his ISP was btinternet. The receiving mail server was trying to verify with the sending server belonging to btinternet "do you verify the existence of this mail account on your server?". (I am loosely translating into english 'cos you really do not want to read through this the way servers actually talk to each other!)
Of course, the btinternet server could only answer that "no, I cannot verify existence of on this server" and the mail was rejected with the message "the return address refused the email". 
This is a big move in the way emails are being handled and, as usual, the end users will be the last to know about it! AOL introduced this sytem nearly two years ago and were hammered in internet forums over unrouted mails. Microsoft (read MSN and Hotmail) had a deadline for introduction in November last year, and Yahoo!, EarthLink and Verizon, and others will be introducing this filter in the very near future.
It would be nice to be able to say that there is an easy fix for this but no, when the big ISPs got together to agree a standard implementation, they actually came away with a more splintered approach than when they started.
Rules for now: Always send mail through the SMTP server that owns the account in the reply to box. In other words, if you are using the btinternet mail servers as ISP. only if you have set the outgoing mail server to be
Many users will end up being bounced back and forth between ISP and hosting provider over this. Transporting mail has an overhead cost on a server and to avoid this many hosting providers recommend to their clients that they set their outgoing mail server to that of their ISP. If you were told to do this, change it now!
I bet you didn't think your post was very serious, Pat! :lol: