Auction Profits Unleashed

Sunday 23 September 2007

Search Domination Challenge - A competition and a challenge!

You may have noticed my posts have slowed down a bit over the last month or so.

This is because I have been spending a lot of time writing a book on Search Engine Optimisation and Web 2.0 services. The book is to be called Search Domination Challenge.

In fact most of my posts in July were made as part of my research for this book. I took on Auction Profits Unleashed as a product to promote and tested a lot of Web 2.0 methods for getting results in the search engines. I also did some testing on Auto Auction Income and on Standing Start Profits.

Does this all start to make sense now? The results themselves as posted here also became part of the data.

In the book, I go into detail on the methods I used to gain these first page search engine results and more. In order to be all-inclusive, I also go into the practice of On-page SEO, but a lot of the meat is on leveraging the right Web 2.0 services to lend authority to your search optimised pages.

But Search Domination Challenge is intended to be more than just a book. I like the principles behind Open Source and the user experience of Web 2.0, so I never set out to create a "static" book. It will be published in digital format and invites questions, comments, and suggestions which will be integrated into various revisions over time. I want the owners of the book to be a community and my ambition for it is to become the Web 2.0 users' bible for search engine optimisation.

I have invested months of long hours and late nights in this book to give the reader the best value possible. It is definitely not "another ebook". I'll leave the sales copy to the professionals, but I wanted to introduce the book in a way that demonstates the ethos behind it. Hence the "competition and a challenge" of the post title!

Go to to see an unusual approach to introducing a book to market. Enter the competition there.

The winners, and there will be a good few, will get the book free. You will get it before the book launch and will be able to use the techniques in the book to promote it during prelaunch as a full Joint Venture partner. I don't believe an internet marketing opportunity like this has ever been thrown open to all comers. Prelaunch is normally the exclusive domain of the established "gurus".

The competition also gives all entrants the opportunity to stretch their SEO talents and get search engine placements established in advance of launch. I'm hoping you can earn good affiliate income on sales of the book by having this advance notice.

So what are you waiting for? Click Search Domination Challenge anywhere in this post and grab your chance now!

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