Auction Profits Unleashed

Sunday 17 June 2007

Work, work, work

I had wanted to get ten new product sites up over the weekend, but, as often happens, the products themselves were delivered without some of the key distribution elements. That meant I had to do the work myself to get the pages ready for publication. I spent most of my weekend editing audio files and creating pdf transcripts for the finished items.
The audio files produced are only short samplers, but it meant I had to plough through all of the recordings to find the edits I wanted. In total that was about eight and a half hours of audio to be scanned (I ran the files at double speed while searching) and with backtracking and audio clean up, the job took over 20 hours..
The only breaks I have taken were used to check server logs and autoresponder settings and follow up on some EBay sales.
I am going to take a break now and then I have to tackle editing the transcript files for all ten audios. Oh yeah, I also have my 4 yr old son for the weekend, so I need to spend some time with him. Did you ever get the feeling that the more you get done, the more you find to do? I was jotting down ideas for new products as I worked and I need to finish this job to clear time to work on them..
A bientot.

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